Stress is a regular part of our lives. There are many types of stresses, all with different effects on the human body. What we will be discussing are the damaging types of stresses and how chiropractic care can help our bodies reduce the negative results.
It's important to understand what stress does to our body. The body's stress response will:
1) increase heart rate
2) increase blood pressure
3) increase glucose to the muscles (increasing blood sugar), resulting in diabetes
4) increase muscle tension
5) increase sensitivity, therefore increasing perception of pain
6) decrease digestion
7) decrease sleep
8) decrease immune system function
9) decrease the function of our reproductive systems
Now, this stress response is a normal and vital function of our survival. (Think of the tiger chasing you). But with many of us, our systems are bombarded with the stress response continuously through the day without the ability to recover. Think of how many people are now on medications to manage many of the above mentioned conditions.
One of the most common types of stress has to do with stress on our nervous system. This can caused by a condition known as a SUBLUXATION. A subluxation is when one of the bones of our spine (also known as vertebrae) moves out of it's normal position or doesn't move properly. This can put an abnormal stress on our nervous system, resulting in any of the above mentioned symptoms. And there are many causes for these subluxations. Poor posture, long commutes, sitting at a computer for long periods, old injuries that didn't properly or completely heal, and endless texting are a few examples. These subluxations quietly do their damage, resulting in many of these symptoms, often without the individual experiencing neck or back pain. The person suffering will often go on medications to try and manage these symptoms without addressing THE UNDERLYING CAUSE.
Our approach to each of our patients is to locate and correct these subluxations. This is done with a thorough examination and specific X-Rays. We then will go over the findings with our patient, so that they have a full understanding as to what was discovered and what needs to be done to correct their condition. This correction will include specific chiropractic adjustments, which restores the vertebrae to it's proper position and movement. We will also advise our patients on exercise, nutrition, and even ergonomic strategies.
The end result is a happier and healthier YOU!
Please call Dr Eric Sense DC at Villa Park Chiropractic for a consultation at
714-998-2296. We look forward to serving you.